Another Great Idea!

June 10, 2007

Nothing clever to say tonight.

Spent a nice, quiet weekend puttering around the house and yard.  The yard of Jackson Acre is quite nice when it’s finally dried out.  It’s even mostly green, thanks to the crabgrass growing into the bare spots that are usually under water.

It almost looks like a real lawn.

And we’re up to almost thirty minutes between pumps of the sump pump! (I was wrong when I reported that we were at thirty minute pump intervals in a previous dispatch.  We were only at eleven minutes then.)

While this correspondence is short, rest assured interesting things are on tap at Jackson Press.  For example, I’ve started “wet shaving” (explanation here) in an attempt to get a closer shave; I will be “relocating” the satellite dish this week in an effort to solve reception problems; I will be trouble shooting (or just shooting) my motorcycle to solve a nagging fuel problem (the bike’s not getting fuel from the tank, so it’s a problem); and we’re taking our “show dog” Ginger to a dog show next weekend (Ever seen “Best In Show“?  It’s all  true.  And Harlan Pepper’s the best!  Pine nut!).

Boring life?  Not me.  And all this adventure on top of “working” full time, writing/drawing Civil Servitude, and attending children softball games!  Never a dull moment!

As always, thanks for reading and enjoy!


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