On Holiday!

Don’t expect any new posts in the next few weeks. We’re going to be on holiday.

That really is just a nice way of saying we’re lazy.

It all started today, when I had two pieces of my famous semi-organic apple pie for breakfast.

This holiday thing also means we won’t be doing much over the next few weeks. We plan to lay around on the couch and catch up on previous seasons of “Justified” and “True Blood” while waiting on the new seasons begin.

And The Wife and I are also watching past seasons of “Friday Night Lights” with The Daughters. We’re currently partway through season 3 (out of five total seasons). It was a fantastic show and the girls seem to enjoy watching it with their old parents.

I guess the generation gap isn’t so wide.

I also plan to catch up on my seriously delayed reading. I have an aggressive goal to finish at least three books over the next few weeks.

This will be tough, because one of the books I’ve been trying to finish for the last two months; I’m only about halfway through it right now.

It’s a good book but I just can’t commit to it for long lengths of time. Mainly more than about twelve minutes a sitting.

I think we’ve had this discussion before, haven’t we? The one about my fictional commitment issues?

I’m also going to get caught up on my graphic novel reading. There are a couple issues of “The Walking Dead” I need to read to see if the zombies ever finally win.

I suspect they do not.

So hopefully we’ll be fully recharged and ready to write by the New Year, full of new semi-humorous stories to share with those three of you still stopping by for a visit!

Resting, Recuperating, Recreating, and Resuscitating!

On Holiday!

Civil Servitude will be on summer hiatus from June through July. Don’t worry. We’ll be collecting the stories of our fabulous summer adventures to share with you in the fall when we finally get back to work. That’s if we don’t get eaten by sharks, eaten by pygmies, or eaten by mountain lions! Or killed in Class 7 whitewater rapids, smashed up in a cross-country road race, or impaled on stalagmites! Or burned alive in a barbecue blaze, skinned alive in a motorcycle crash, or chopped to bits in a chainsaw accident!

Yeah, that’s the kind of summer we have planned!! See ya on the other side!

And don’t forget to check out our new book, The Candyland Gauntlet, available only at Amazon. Click here if you’re the least bit curious. Yours for a measly ninety-nine cents!

The “Seeing What’s Left of America” Tour!!

Happy Friday!!

I call out “Happy Friday!!” to a coworker. I even say it with the audible equivalent of two exclamation points!!

My coworker is a very happy, very bubbly person, always smiling, always pleasant to talk to. So I always feel a need to try to be equally buoyant; jubilant, even. And so after she said good morning to me I replied with “Happy Friday!!” – including the audible equivalent of two exclamation points!!

It was like I was calling out a holiday greeting. Happy Thanksgiving! Or Merry Christmas! Or Happy Holidays! Or Happy New Year! Or Happy Hanukkah!

Maybe Fridays are like little holidays?

Or maybe they’re really more like the eves of little holidays? Like Christmas Eve is to Christmas Day, and New Years Eve is to New Years Day. Maybe Friday is the eve day to Saturday and Sunday, the mini holiday that is the weekend.

So maybe we should start treating our weekend more like what they really are – mini holidays! Maybe we should start using a traditional holiday greeting on Fridays, finding one that’s most appropriate, like “Happy Friday!!” in this case, versus “Merry Friday!!”, which just doesn’t sound right.

The word “Merry” really only works with Christmas, so just keep it specific to Christmas.

But “Happy Friday!!” is perfectly acceptable and completely appropriate. And, offering anyone a hearty “Happy Friday!!” is guaranteed to warm their day and put a little smile on their face as they’re reminded that a respite is coming. Saturday is almost here. Rest will soon arrive!

Although, on further thought, “Happy Friday!!” seems like a mildly cruel thing to say to someone who has to work weekends. “Happy Friday!!” really only works if one has at least Saturday off. Otherwise it’s just a smart-ass remark to someone who can’t share in the joy, like saying “Merry Christmas” to some who’s Jewish or “Happy Thanksgiving” to a Canadian.

Just the same, I’m going to try and work “Happy Friday!!” into my everyday Friday vernacular, just to see how it works. Maybe I can spread a little mini holiday cheer on each weekend eve!
And remember, “Happy Friday!!” must always be said with the audible equivalent of two exclamation points!!

Happy Friday!!